Saisho ceremonies have been conducted at Shinnyo-en since 1992 to pass on Master Shinjo’s legacy to pray and act for the harmony and well-being of all people. The ceremonies are characterized by the symbolic use of the elements of fire and water as two complementary aspects of spiritual awakening: wisdom and loving compassion.
Although there is a limit to the number of people who can physically participate in making the offerings, Her Holiness expressed her wish for each of us to feel that we are taking part no matter where we are on this day:
“At Shinnyo-en, we invite everyone to participate in our services through chanting and other means. For those who join us at temples around the world, I encourage you to use these upcoming occasions to offer in your hearts and minds your own homasticks and lanterns in hopes that the awakening power of saisho will guide all beings to a place of happiness and contentment.”
Saisho is the all-encompassing dimension of buddha wisdom and loving compassion. It is a boundless power of awakening, a positive energy that manifests without limit when we make efforts to realize a world of friendship and harmony. The term “saisho” itself refers to reaching out to create harmony by extending the dynamic energy of merit and goodness to all. Shinnyo-en has conducted saisho ceremonies in parts of Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America to share this energy with others.
Date: 29/04/2018 to 29/04/2018
Time: 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM