Date: 15 Dec 2015, Tuesday at 2.00 PM & 7.30 PM
12月15日 (星期二), 下午2 点及傍晚7点30分
Venue: Shinnyo-en Singapore
Since ancient times, it has been believed that a person’s fate is connected to the movements of the stars. In esoteric Buddhism, it is taught that one can counter the negative influence of such stars by accumulating good deeds on a daily basis and offering prayers for purification. On 15th December, Shinnyo-en conducts a Star Ritual Service. This is an esoteric rite to pray for happiness, longevity and prosperity. Prayers will be offered every day until 3rd February of the following year. 自古以来,人们相信星辰的移动影响一个人的命运。密教相信天天累积善行并祭 祀与我们相关的守护星,命运就会好转。 真如苑在12月15日严修星供法会。此密仪 是祈愿来年增福添寿,消除厄灾。祈念 一直持续到明年2月3日。
Date: 15/12/2015 to 15/12/2015
Time: 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM