Saisho Ceremony is a service that combines homa and merit transfer. Through sincere chanting and offering altruistic acts, we hope to bring about true lasting joy and spiritual liberation for all. Transcending differences of nations, ethnicity/culture, and spiritual traditions, we can all bond with the ever-present buddhas and help promote the spirit of friendship in this world.
济摄会是一个融合护摩与回向的法会。通过真诚的诵经与 大乘利他行,希望能让一切沐浴在济摄的救度力量之中。 超越国家、民族、 宗教的隔阂,与常住的佛陀一如, 扩展常乐欢喜的友心世界。
Date: 22/05/2016 to 22/05/2016
Time: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM