Every 15th of December, Her Holiness Shinso Ito conducts the Star Ritual Homa in conjunction with the Feast of the Eternal Bliss. The Star Ritual harkens back to the tradition of honouring the stars in many temples and shrines during the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.
Shinnyo-en’s Star Ritual Homa has evolved into a unique dharma rite that expands on the esoteric traditions. It sparks proactive spiritual practice, taking us closer to the Shinnyo Parents and Kyodoin and Shindoin and bringing out more of our own enlightened nature.
“What are the ‘stars’ we are referring to in the Star Ritual? Simply put, they are stars that have been said to influence different aspects of our lives. You may have heard of people linking their fates with their stars, as if predestined. But the Shinnyo Path is one of transformation, and therefore, through our efforts, we can effect change. Changing our lives, our futures, lies squarely in the way we set our minds and how we practice,” Master Shinjo once said.
“The Star Ritual is for the purpose of dispersing the negative influences of the stars that are believed to be related to us, and bring forth the influence of positive stars. I believe, however, that the true meaning of the Star Ritual is for us to purify the essence of our being, our spiritual nature,” he added.
For Her Holiness Shinso Ito,our inherent buddha nature are like stars—our individual light of goodness. Let us bring out our Buddha nature through the Star Ritual homa.
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